At Make Mine Pink there is a month long celebration of Mothers Day. Last Thursday was recipe day. Anyone who knows me would be laughing out loud at me participating in a recipe exchange. I have been blessed with many talents, BUT the two things I am hopeless at is Cooking and cutting hair. My kithchen is so cute and its just for looks. Although I have more sets of the most beautiful dishes. Oh well thats just the way it is. LOL
For today the topic is gift giving. Whats the best gifts to give, or what not to give. This probably goes back to the fact I dont cook, but please dont give me something useful. I want cute and fun! I think the best gifts are books and Joanns or Michaels gift cards. I LOVE art supplies. (they talk to me, I swear they do.) Handmade cards and pictures made by my Grandkids are right up there at the top too! Those are priceless and I always have them up in my "gallary" for everyone to enjoy. I hope all of you Moms out there get exactly what you want. You all deserve the best. And the best part is the best doesnt mean expensive. It truly is the thought that counts.